
Local Texas Master Naturalist Chapter Offers Speakers to Local Groups

Local Texas Master Naturalist Chapter Offers Speakers to Local Groups
7 years 7 months 2 weeks ago Monday, June 12 2017 Jun 12, 2017 June 12, 2017 1:39 PM June 12, 2017 in Community

Rio Grande Valley Chapter, Texas Master Naturalist organization activated a speakers bureau with more than 50 free presentations available to local groups.

As part of their education and outreach, the chapter offers speakers to non-political events and meetings. Topics are about the Rio Grande Valley’s unique ecosystem from birds, butterflies, native plants and trees, shrimping the Gulf of Mexico, tracking, composting, water features on a budget, to amphibians and basket weaving using materials found in nature.

Many presentations are designed to be electronically projected to large audiences or tailored to 20-minute stand-up information programs with questions and answers. Texas Master Naturalist experts also are available for guided native plant walks and other field trips.

Three- and four-hour photography, writing and presentations skills workshops are available for a fee.

Texas Master Naturalist, with chapters throughout the state, is an educational volunteer program of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Sea Grant, and Texas Parks and Wildlife. Extension Agent Tony Reisinger and Park Ranger Javier de Leon are the Rio Grande Valley sponsors.

Chapters are made up of volunteers with diverse interests who are involved in myriad activities to learn how to help sustain the Valley’s native habitat and the critters that depend on it. Volunteers work with more than 60 local partners that include federal and local wildlife parks, coastal naturalist programs, naturalist organizations, cities, schools, and other public entities.                                                     

The chapter also has monthly guest speakers the second Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Cameron County Annex Building at Williams Road & Hwy. 83/77. The address is 1390 W. Expressway 83. Meetings are free and open to the public.

Visit https://rgvctmn.org/speakers-bureau/ for list of presentation topics and to request a speaker. Navigate the chapter’s Website for monthly speaker’s schedule, list of partners, articles, blog and list of Valley native plant growers.

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