
Nearly $20 million awarded to city of Raymondville and Hidalgo County for flood mitigation projects

Nearly $20 million awarded to city of Raymondville and Hidalgo County for flood mitigation projects
3 years 11 months 2 weeks ago Wednesday, March 03 2021 Mar 3, 2021 March 03, 2021 7:11 PM March 03, 2021 in News - Local
Credit: ABC News /MGN Online

U.S. Rep. Filemon Vela, D-Brownsville announced a total of $20 million has been awarded to the city of Raymondville and Hidalgo County for 2015 flood mitigation projects by the Texas General Land Office (GLO). 

Hidalgo County is set to receive $9,858,499 for phase one of the main floodwater channel expansion project and Raymondville will receive $10 million for drainage and wastewater system improvements to reduce the risk of repeated flooding.

The city of Raymondville and Hidalgo County are two of four communities in the state selected to receive the mitigation funding.

"The severe flooding that occurred in 2015 left thousands of South Texas residents and businesses with damage and total loss of their properties,” Vela said in a news release.  “These communities have regularly flooded during hurricanes and natural disasters in the past. I am pleased that Hidalgo County and the City of Raymondville will have these resources to make necessary improvements to prevent future damage and ensure the safety of their residents.”

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