
Officials Say Project to Help with Beach Erosion Showing Promise

Officials Say Project to Help with Beach Erosion Showing Promise
6 years 2 months 3 weeks ago Tuesday, November 27 2018 Nov 27, 2018 November 27, 2018 5:33 PM November 27, 2018 in News

SOUTH PADRE ISLAND – The city of South Padre Island is taking steps to stop beach erosion as cold fronts become more common this year.  

Brandon Hills, shoreline director for SPI, tells CHANNEL 5 NEWS this time of year, beachgoers will notice more dynamic changes in beach erosion through what’s called “winter beach.”

“During the winter, the winds increase – the wave energy increases, so that means that our beaches [are] actually going to get a little bit more shallow,” he explains. “It’s going to become a more drastic angle from the dunes to the water.”

Hills says apart from implementing dredging by creating a sand-bar structure to help protect the shoreline and dunes, they will try to keep them healthy by planting different vegetation.

“You’re essentially building biological rhubarb. It’s just like the steel bars that you see on concrete,” he says.

He advises people to keep an eye out for extreme erosion for the next couple of months.

KRGV’s Cecilia Gutierrez has more information.

Watch the video above for the full story.

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