
PSJA Showcases Stadium Upgrades

PSJA Showcases Stadium Upgrades
7 years 4 weeks 51 minutes ago Wednesday, August 23 2017 Aug 23, 2017 August 23, 2017 9:42 PM August 23, 2017 in Sports

PHARR – PSJA Stadium has been undergoing several changes this summer. They’ve installed new turf and a new track surface. The upgrade that might draw the most attention though stands on the south side of the field. A new, all-digital scoreboard which features a video screen that measures 56 feet high by 32 feet wide. PSJA athletic director Orlando Garcia says the district is proud to showcase the completed work.

“Our school board and our administration at central office, they have a lot of pride in what our kids have,” said Garcia. “We put the best track south of Austin. We put the best football field turf and I want to say we’ve probably got the best scoreboard in the Rio Grande Valley. I’m going to say that south of Austin, PSJA has the best football stadium hands down. We’re very grateful to our PSJA sponsors for our scoreboard. They’re what is making this happen.”

The first official game at the renovated stadium is scheduled for Thursday, August 31 when PSJA Memorial plays host to Juarez-Lincoln.

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