
Psychologist Discusses Impact of the Death of Fallen Mission Officer

Psychologist Discusses Impact of the Death of Fallen Mission Officer
5 years 7 months 6 days ago Friday, June 21 2019 Jun 21, 2019 June 21, 2019 5:32 PM June 21, 2019 in News - Local

MISSION - A family, law enforcement community, and entire Rio Grande Valley are mourning after the loss of a Mission police officer.

Cpl. Jose “Speedy" Espericueta was shot at the Mission Bell Resort Thursday.

CHANNEL 5 NEWS spoke to a resident who lives in the area who saw the incident unfold.

Jeffery Middleton lives across the street from the crime scene.

“My heart, my heart says...I'm 65 he should have lived 65," says Middleton.

Middleton says he is shocked and grieves with the rest of the community.

Licensed psychologist Dr. Joseph McCoy has the same emotion; his family also lives close by.

Dr. McCoy has helped law enforcement officers and others who have lost a loved one.

He says the grieving process is a marathon and you may not get over a loss, but you find a way to move forward.

For more information watch the video above.

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