
Texas Fishing Report

Texas Fishing Report
4 years 5 months 3 weeks ago Wednesday, March 18 2020 Mar 18, 2020 March 18, 2020 5:55 PM March 18, 2020 in Sports - AP - Texas

For The Associated Press

The weekly fishing report as compiled for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for March 18 and also available on the internet at https://tpwd.texas.gov/fishboat/fish/recreational/fishreport.phtml:


AUSTIN: GOOD. Water stained; 61-63 degrees; 1.05’ low. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits and spinners in shallow areas. Sunfish are good on cutworms, and corn in the shallower structure of docks. Catfish are good on prepared baits and cut bait.

BASTROP: FAIR. Water stained; 63 degrees. Largemouth bass are fair fishing creeks and coves on Carolina rigged plastics, swimbaits, and crankbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Channel and blue catfish are fair on cut bait and stinkbait.

BELTON: FAIR Water lightly stained; 61 degrees; 0.82' low Black bass are fair in creek mouths on bladed spinners and shallow running crankbaits. White bass are good. Hybrid stripers are slow trolling jigs and diving crankbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on prepared baits.

BROWNWOOD: FAIR. Water stained; 58 degrees; 2.45’ low. Largemouth bass are fair with crankbaits and plastic worms in shallow water. White bass are fair on minnows and Alabama rigs in creeks. Catfish have been fair on prepared bait.

BUCHANAN: GOOD. Water clear; 64 degrees; 4.01’ low. Largemouth bass are good with jigs, plastics, spinners and crankbaits working creeks. Striped bass are fair. White bass are good on minnows in creeks. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows in creeks. Channel catfish have been good on prepared bait.

CANYON LAKE: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 61 degrees; 2.99’ low. Striper fishing is slow on main lake humps. White bass are good in shallow areas near creeks and inlets. Largemouth bass are fair in creeks and grassy shorelines with square billed crankbaits, jerk baits, plastic creatures, and spinners. Catfish are good with live and cut bait throughout the lake.

FAYETTE: GOOD. Water stained; 59 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on plastic worms or creatures, spinners and crankbaits among vegetation, moving shallower into spawning activity. Sunfish are good on worms and crickets around bank ledges and structure. Catfish are good on stinkbait, live bait, and cut bait.

GRANBURY: GOOD. Water clear; 56-58 degrees; 0.13’ low. Crappie fishing is fair around brush piles and boat docks with minnows and chartreuse colored jigs. Catfishing is good when using cut bait or live bait in 12-25’. White bass are very good with fish spawning in creeks and rivers. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits and flipping jigs in creeks and shallow water. Stripers are fair trolling.

GRANGER: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 58 degrees; 0.26’ high. Black bass are good upriver and creeks on light-colored jigs and soft plastic worms. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. White bass are good upriver around Dickerson's Bottom with jigs and small spoons. Blue catfish are good on cut shad. Yellow catfish are slow.

LBJ: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 61-64 degrees; 0.67’ low. Black bass are excellent in spawn activity in creeks and spawning coves on jigs, plastic creatures, spinners, and shallow diving crankbaits. Crappie are good on jigs around brush, marinas and docks. White bass are good fishing the river. Catfish are good on stinkbait and cut bait.

NAVARRO MILLS: GOOD. Water stained; 61 degrees; 0.13’ high. Crappie are good on minnows around the marina and in the creeks. Catfish are good with live bait and punch bait. White bass are good on rooster tails in shallow inlets and creeks. Black bass are good with spinners and buzz baits in shallow coves.

PROCTOR: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 62 degrees; 0.09’ high. Largemouth bass are good on Carolina rigged creatures and worms and with jigs in shallow water. Hybrid stripers are fair. Crappie are fair with jigs and minnows in shallow water. Catfish are good on stinkbait and cut bait.

SOMERVILLE: GOOD. Water clear; 61 degrees; 0.09’ high. White bass and hybrids are fair fishing creeks with rooster tails and jigs. Crappie are good with minnows and jigs. Catfish are good throughout the lake with cut shad and stinkbait. Largemouth bass are good with plastic worms, crankbait, larger spinners, and jigs near the creeks and moving shallower to creeks and coves.

STILLHOUSE HOLLOW: GOOD. Water clear; 60 degrees; 2.93’ low. Black bass are fair on crankbaits, spinners, and Carolina rigged soft plastic worms working vegetation in creeks. Crappie are fair on minnows and light-colored jigs. White bass are good on small crankbaits and jigs. Catfish are good with live and cut bait.

TRAVIS: GOOD. Water clear; 59 degrees; 11.01’ low. Largemouth bass are good when fishing creeks and coves for spawning fish working plastic creatures. White bass are good in shallow water with spawning activity in creeks working rooster tails, and small crankbaits. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on cut bait, live bait, and stinkbait.

WALTER E. LONG: GOOD. Lightly stained; 58 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on worms and short-billed crankbaits in creeks and coves. Hybrid stripers are fair with jigs and live bait. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in shallow water. Catfish are good on live bait and stinkbait. Sunfish are fair.

WACO: GOOD. Water stained; 59 degrees; 0.11’ low. Largemouth bass are good on spinnerbaits, plastic creatures, and chatter baits in the coves and creeks. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in creeks and inlets. Sunfish are good on worms or crickets. Channel and blue catfish are excellent on cut shad or live bait.

WHITNEY: GOOD. Water stained; 59-62 degrees; 2.89’ low. Black bass are good on crankbaits and plastic creatures while fishing in spawning areas. White bass are good in creeks with jigs. Crappie are good with minnows and jigs in shallow water. Catfish are fair on cut shad and prepared baits.


ARLINGTON: FAIR. Water stained; 57 degrees; 1.33' high. The largemouth bass activity has increased in creeks and coves with bladed spinners, crankbaits, and jigs. Crappie are good among structures such as boat docks and partially shaded vegetation on small minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on live bait and prepared baits throughout the lake.

ATHENS: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 54 degrees; 0.51’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on Carolina rigged worms, jigs, square-billed crankbaits and bladed spinnerbaits working the vegetation edges of shoreline and creeks. Crappie are fair with minnows and jigs among natural and man-made structures. Catfish are fair on cut bait. Sunfish are fair on cutworms.

BENBROOK: GOOD. Water muddy; 56 degrees; 4.61’ high. Largemouth bass are fair fishing spinners and crankbaits in creek beds and coves. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Hybrid striped bass are fair. White bass are excellent with small spoons in creeks. Catfish are good on trotlines with cut bait.

BOB SANDLIN: FAIR. Water clear; 56 degrees; 0.21’ high. Black bass are good on lipless crankbaits, plastic worms and lizards, and flipping jigs in creeks and coves. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows in creeks. Catfish are good on cut bait and blood bait in 12-18'.

BRIDGEPORT: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 54–57 degrees; 2.44’ low. Black bass are good on shallow running crankbaits, jigs and Texas rigged creature baits in 3-8’. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows in creeks. White bass are good on jigs and swimbaits in shallow water. Hybrid stripers are fair. Catfish are good on cut bait and live bait.

CADDO: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 53-56 degrees; 1.41’ high. Largemouth bass are good in shallow water with swimbaits and crankbaits. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in shallow water. White bass are fair on jigs in shallow water. Chain Pickerel are fair. Catfish are good on stinkbait and live bait.

CEDAR CREEK: GOOD. Water clear; 58-61 degrees, 0.03’ high. Largemouth bass are on the rocks and docks both main lake and in coves in 2 to 10' also along shorelines leading to the back of spawning coves. Jigs, plastic creatures, and moving baits like chatter baits and spinnerbaits are good starters. Hybrids and sand bass are now up in the creeks. Small grubs, spoons, and swimbaits are good in the creeks, and crankbaits can be good in 4-10' on the points. Crappie are in the creeks and spawning coves. Some docks are starting to hold fish, as well as some of the brush piles in various depths. Jigs and minnows are both effective. Catfish are good on the shallow north end of the lake and also moving shallow all over the lake. There are still some deep fish as well, so don't rule that out. Fresh cut shad is best.

COOPER: GOOD. Water muddy; 58 degrees; 4.27’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on Carolina rigged worms in natural colors, lipless crankbaits, and spinners in creeks and coves. The white bass are good in shallow water. Catfish are good on live and cut bait in 25’.

EAGLE MOUNTAIN: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 53 degrees; 0.79’ high. Black bass are fair fishing docks and submerged structure with spinners, jigs and plastic worms. White bass are fair. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs between 11-17’ working docks and structures. Catfish are good on cut bait and punch bait.

FORK: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 58-62 degrees; 0.19’ low. Largemouth bass are excellent on soft plastic creatures, lipless crankbaits, and chatter baits spawning in creeks and coves in 2-4’. White and yellow bass are good in creeks. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows in creeks. Catfish are fair on prepared bait and cut bait in deeper water.

GRAHAM: FAIR. Water stained; 57 degrees; 1.89’ low. Largemouth bass are active in warmer water on plastic worms, buzzbaits, and crankbaits. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows. White bass are fair on slabs. Hybrid stripers are fair slabs in deep water and humps. Catfish are fair on cut shad and live bait.

GRAPEVINE: GOOD. Water muddy; 56-59 degrees; 6.15’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on plastic creatures, buzz baits, and square billed crankbaits. Fish creeks and shallow structure. White bass are good in creeks. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in marinas and creek areas. Catfish are fair on live and prepped bait in most parts of the lake.

JACKSONVILLE: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 56 degrees; 0.16' high. Largemouth bass are fair with crankbaits and spinners, moving into spawning areas and coves. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows in creeks and shallow structure. Catfish are good on cut shad and prepared bait.

JOE POOL: FAIR. Water stained; 56-58 degrees; 0.71’ high. Largemouth bass are starting to be active fishing Texas rigged creatures and shallow running crankbaits in creeks. Active bass found in warmer water less than 6’. Crappie are fair beneath bridges and in creeks with jigs and minnows. Catfish are good on cut bait and prepared baits.

LAKE O' THE PINES: GOOD. Water stained; 56-58 degrees; 4.52’ high. Largemouth bass are good on medium size crankbaits, and Texas rigged creature baits in spawning areas. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs in the creek mouths and drains. Catfish are fair on cut bait and blood bait in 10-16 feet of water.

LAVON: GOOD. Water stained; 58 degrees; 3.44' high. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows fishing structures, creeks and marinas. White bass are good in the creeks with rooster tails, jigs, and spoons. Black bass are fair on crankbaits, worms, lizards and jigs. Catfish are good on prepared baits and live bait.

LEWISVILLE: GOOD. Water muddy; 58 degrees; 3.06’ high Black bass are fair fishing the crankbaits, spinners, and Texas rigged plastic creatures. White bass are good on jigs in creeks. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in creeks. Catfish are good on cut bait.

MARTIN CREEK: GOOD. Water stained; 62 degrees; 0.06' low. Largemouth bass are good on jigs and crankbaits in shallow coves and creeks. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows at Dirgin Bridge and RR trestle. Catfish are good on cut bait in 25’.

PALESTINE: FAIR. Water clear; 54 degrees; 0.67’ high. Largemouth bass are good in shallow water working soft plastics and flipping jigs. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows in creeks or near shallow structure. Hybrid stripers are fair on slabs and trolling. White bass are good on swimbaits in the creeks. Catfish are fair on shad and chicken livers.

PALO PINTO: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 1.97’ low. Largemouth bass are fair in coves and creeks with Carolina rigged creature baits and bladed spinners. Crappie are fair on minnows near structure. White bass are fair on live shad and jigs in creeks and inlets. Striped bass are fair on live shad and jigs. Catfish are good on prepared baits in 20-28’.

RAY HUBBARD: GOOD. Water clear; 55-59 degrees; 0.36’ high. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits, plastics and spinners in water less than 5’. White bass are excellent spawning in creeks caught on white rooster tails and swimbaits. Crappie are moving shallow into creeks. Catfish are fair on live and cut bait.

RAY ROBERTS: GOOD. Water stained; 58 degrees; 1.81’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on plastic creatures and worms, swimbaits, and spinners. White bass are good in creeks and the Trinity river on jigs and spinners. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows in the marina and shallow water 8’ in creeks. Catfish are good on live bait and cut bait.

RICHLAND CHAMBERS: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 59 degrees; 0.04’ high. Largemouth bass are good on crankbaits, plastic worms, and bladed jigs working flats, submerged vegetation, and creeks. White bass and hybrids are good on jigs. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs near structure. Catfish are good on live bait and cut bait.

SQUAW CREEK: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 64 degrees; 0.97’ low. Catfishing is fair working baited areas in 15-25’ using punch bait and cut bait. The largemouth bass fishing is fair around shallow structures on soft plastic worms and crankbaits. The warmer water pockets near the Comanche plant will hold more bass. Crappie are good on minnows.

SULPHUR SPRINGS: FAIR. Water stained; 57-59 degrees; 1.32’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on bladed jigs in creeks. Crappie continue to be fair on minnows and jigs in 12-18’. Catfish are good on cut shad and live bait in 25’.

TAWAKONI: GOOD. Water stained; 59 degrees; 1.51’ high. Catfish are good on live bait and cut bait 25-45’. Largemouth bass are fair on spinnerbaits, plastic worms, and square billed crankbaits in coves and creeks. White bass and hybrid stripers are good on swimbaits in creeks. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs around structure including docks and marinas.

TEXOMA: GOOD. Water stained; 56-59 degrees; 1.31’ low. Striped bass are good using slabs, shad imitations, and live shad. Largemouth bass are fair fishing plastics and crankbaits in shallow water. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs by boathouses, marinas, creeks, and inlets. Catfish are fair on cut bait, and minnows in 25’.

TYLER: GOOD. Water clear; 57 degrees; 0.20’ high. Black bass are fair on Carolina rigged creature baits and worms as well as spinners and jigs fishing dock structures and natural shorelines in creeks and coves. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows near submerged structure or brush and creeks. Catfish are good on stinkbait and live baits. White bass are fair.

WEATHERFORD: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 0.67’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on spinnerbaits, lipless crankbaits, and worms working shallow water coves. White bass are fair in creeks and shallow water run-offs. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs around docks and marinas. Catfish are good on crawfish and cut bait.

WORTH: FAIR. Water stained; 58 degrees; 1.58’ high. Largemouth bass are fair with spinners, lipless crankbaits and jigs working coves and creeks. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs among vegetation beds and under docks and in creeks. Catfish are fair on live bait and cut bait.

WRIGHT PATMAN: FAIR. Water stained; 56 degrees; 8.35’ high. Largemouth bass are fair on slow-moving worms and jigs working creeks and coves. White bass are fair on spoons and jigs. Crappie are fair on jigs in creeks. Catfish are good on cut bait, live bait, and stinkbait.


AMISTAD: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 60-61 degrees; 37.46’ low. Largemouth bass remain great in the Devil’s River arm of the lake. The best success has been on topwaters, spinners, and crankbait. White bass are fair on minnows near the cove edges. Catfish are fair, moving deeper to around 15-20' on stinkbait and cut bait. Remember to stay on the Texas side unless you possess a Mexican fishing license.

CALAVERAS: GOOD. Water stained; 65-66 degrees. Red drum remain good stalking points with crawfish and tilapia. Largemouth are good with trolling topwater, quick jigs, and spinners. Hybrid striped bass are staying fair on spoons, chicken livers, and rattle traps. Catfish are good on stinkbait, liver and cut shad.

CHOKE CANYON: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 66-67 degrees; 18.32’ low. Largemouth bass are best in the mornings but remain active all day with natural structures and vegetation with jigs, worms, and topwaters. White bass are good staying in the Frio River. Crappie are fair on jigs.

CORPUS CHRISTI LAKE: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 71-72 degrees; 4.23’ low. Largemouth bass remain good working coves and creeks with crankbait and artificial minnows. White bass are in the mouth of the Nueces River. Crappie are fair fishing live minnows. Catfish are good on cut bait and cheese bait.

FALCON: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 70 degrees; 35.74’ low. Black bass are good all day in coves, timber and vegetation. Quick crankbait, spinners, and worms only in vegetation have been successful. Crappie remain slow. Catfish are good on live and prepped baits. Remember to stay on the Texas side unless you possess a Mexican fishing license.

MEDINA: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 66-69 degrees; 12.00’ low. Black bass remain steady in creeks and coves with the best movement before 2 p.m. Crappie are fair with jigs and minnows. White bass are fair on spoons and jigs. Striped bass are slow. Catfish are fair on live bait, chicken livers, and blood baits.

TEXANA: FAIR. Water stained; 65-67 degrees; 6.08’ low. Largemouth bass are staying good fishing creeks, and vegetation with worms, jigs, and light-colored spinners. Crappie are fair on jigs. Catfish are good night and day on stinkbait, cut bait, and live bait. Trotlines remain great with live bait.


BRAUNIG: GOOD. Water lightly stained; 66-67 degrees. Largemouth bass remain in shallow vegetation with topwater, plastic worms, spinners, and jigs. Red drum are still feeding mid-afternoon. Catfish are good on live bait and cheese bait.

B.A. STEINHAGEN: GOOD. Water stained; 63-65 degrees; 0.44’ low. Largemouth bass remain good early with topwater and staying in less than 6 feet with worms and spinners. Crappie are fair in the spring pattern catching higher numbers. Catfish are good on cut and prepped bait.

CONROE: FAIR. Water stained; 63-65 degrees; 1.41’ low. Largemouth bass are continuing their success on topwaters, soft plastics, spinners, and jigs moving just out from beds. Crappie are fair to good on minnows and jigs steadily improving as the water warms. Hybrid striped bass are slow on shad. Catfish are good on stinkbait and cut bait. Sunfish are fair with live worms or crickets in shallow water.

GIBBONS CREEK: GOOD. Water stained; 63-64 degrees. Largemouth bass are great with faster lures early and slower lures in the afternoon around shallow structure. Crappie are fair on jigs and spinners. Catfish are fair on live bait. Sunfish are fair on cutworms shallow.

HOUSTON COUNTY: GOOD. Water clear to lightly stained; 64-65 degrees; 0.18’ high. The black bass is very good with catches over 10 pounds; Many bass 3 and 4 pounds each around piers or in shallow water. Bass beds are located everywhere around the lake. With regard to successful lures, try medium dive cranks bumping the bottom; citrus shads, gooseberry livers, watermelon reds, green pumpkins, dark greens, and silver “Perfect” in artificial lizards and worms. Crappie is excellent, and many have been caught over 2 pounds using live minnows around piers and points. Catfish is good on shad.

LIVINGSTON: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 64-66 degrees; 0.16’ high. Black bass are excellent in more prominent creek spots with worms, spinners, and jigs. Striped bass remain slow. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs in creeks with bigger structure. White bass are good on spoons. Catfish are fair on live baits.

NACONICHE: GOOD. Water slightly stained; 64-66 degrees. Largemouth bass are good on spinners, and creature baits in creeks and coves. Crappie are good on jigs and minnows remaining under bridges and in creek mouths. Sunfish are fair on jigs and crickets. Catfish are good on dough balls, cut and live bait.

RAVEN: GOOD. Water stained; 63-66 degrees. Largemouth bass remain good along the natural banks with soft plastics, spinners, and topwater during the edges of the day. Sunfish are fair on crickets and cutworms among any shallow structure under 5'.

SAM RAYBURN: FAIR. Water stained; 63-66 degrees; 0.42’ high. Largemouth bass are good in creeks skirting structure with worms, jigs, and spinners. White bass are fair fishing minnows in creeks. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on live and stinkbait.

TOLEDO BEND: FAIR. Water slightly stained; 63-66 degrees; 0.41’ low. Largemouth bass are very active and caught in large numbers with crankbaits, spinners, and jigs. Striped bass are slow. White bass remain slow. Crappie are fair on minnows in sun covered structure. Channel and blue catfish are fair on stinkbait.


CISCO: FAIR. Water clear; 58-59 degrees; 2.91’ low. Largemouth bass are good on jigs and worms moving shallow in far western portions of the lake. Sunfish are fair on minnows and worms fishing docks. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows under docks as well. Catfish are fair at night on nightcrawlers, liver and cut shad all over the lake.

MEREDITH: SLOW. Water stained; 50-53 degrees; 46.66’ low. Black bass are fair with crankbaits, spinners, and minnows. Stick to the river structure for the best fishing. Walleye remain fair on crankbaits. Crappie are slow on jigs. Channel catfish are fair on cut bait and live bait near the dam.

MILLERS CREEK: FAIR. Water stained; 52-54 degrees; 1.21’ low. Largemouth bass remain fair among flooded timber as well as in Wolf and Sulphur Creeks with soft plastics spinners and crankbaits. Crappie are staying good on minnows and jigs. White bass and hybrids remain fair on rattle traps. Catfish are good in the upper lake with live, blood, and liver prepared baits.


ALAN HENRY: GOOD. Water clear; 53-55 degrees; 1.56' low. Black bass are great with topwater, worms, and spinners, and larger fish are caught about 8-16 feet off spawning spots. Crappie are fair on minnows off the pier. Catfish are fair on live bait and stinkbait.

ARROWHEAD: FAIR. Water stained; 55-56 degrees; 1.57’ low. Largemouth bass are good in the spring pattern in less than 12 feet jigs and crankbait. Fish topwater late in the afternoon. Crappie are good on live minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on stinkbait and shrimp with trotline success.

COLEMAN: FAIR. Water slightly stained; 56 degrees; 2.20’ low. Hybrid stripers remain good drift fishing. Largemouth bass are good on topwaters, jigs, spinners, and bottom bumping on shelves in creeks and coves. Crappie are improving on jigs. Catfish are fair with stinkbait and cut bait.

FORT PHANTOM HILL: GOOD. Water stained; 57 degrees; 0.32’ high. White bass are active and good in west lake and south. Black bass continue moving with topwaters, jigs and spinners fishing all parts of the creek. Crappie are good on live minnows and jigs. Catfish are fair on cut shad and stinkbait throughout the lake.

HUBBARD CREEK: FAIR. Water stained; 56-58 degrees; 2.20’ low. Largemouth bass remain good during the best time of the year fishing around brush and standing timber with spinners, worms, and jigs. Crappie are good on live minnows. White bass are solid in deeper areas of the creeks. Catfish are fair on live and cut shad.

NASWORTHY: FAIR. Water murky; 58 degrees; 0.93’ low. Black bass are fair in vegetation with worms and bulrush west and south lake. Work a lot of structure casting parallel to the bank with spinners, and crankbait. Crappie remain fair under docks and bridges on minnows and jigs. White bass are fair on minnows and small spinners on points. Catfish are fair on live and prepped baits throughout the lake.

OAK CREEK: FAIR. Water lightly stained; 57 degrees; 1.22’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on live bait all day, topwater early and late, and artificial lures midday. Best spots remain in salt creek and south of Live Oak Lodge. Crappie are fair on live minnows moving into coves, under docks and moving into the river. White bass are fair. Catfish are fair on nightcrawlers, live bait, and cut bait mostly at night.

O.C. FISHER: FAIR. Water stained; 58 degrees. 37.34’ low. Largemouth Bass are improving to good in vegetation and shallow coves with fast-moving bait in less than 12 feet of water. Crappie remain fair on minnows and jigs. White bass are fair fishing creek mouths and points to them. Catfish are fair with limited structure on live and cut bait.

O.H. IVIE: GOOD. Water clear; 57 degrees; 9.25’ low. Black bass are fair to good moving around structure with some inconsistencies on topwater, worms, and spinners. Crappie are fair with live minnows and jigs. Catfish are good on stinkbait, live, and cut bait. White bass are fair in creek structures with minnows.

POSSUM KINGDOM: FAIR. Water clear; 56-57 degrees; 0.00’ low. Largemouth bass are fair on soft plastics, spinners, and crankbait off rocky drops. White bass are good on cut shad in the river structure edges. Crappie are still slow but have had some success in the backs of creeks. Striped bass are slow. Catfish are good on cut shad.

SPENCE: FAIR. Water stained; 53-54 degrees; 36.30’ low. Largemouth are fair fishing minnows, worms, and spinnerbait, finding some sheltered warm water. White bass are good in creeks. Catfish are fair on live and cut bait.

STAMFORD: FAIR. Water stained; 52-54 degrees; 0.34’ low. South lake remains the place to catch consistently. Largemouth bass are fair on worms, spinners, and crankbait in vegetation moving out to modest depth structure. Crappie are good on minnows shallow, stumps, and drops. White bass are fair on live shad and slabs. Catfish are fair on live bait and stinkbait.

TWIN BUTTES: SLOW. Water stained; 52-54 Degrees; 7.59’ low. North Lake and Nasworthy remain the place to be. Black bass haven’t fully committed to move shallow with topwater and quick-moving baits. Crappie are fair on minnows and jigs remaining in coves and creeks, although limits achieved a few days this past week. White bass are fair moving towards creek channels. Catfish are fair on live and prepped baits throughout the lake.

WHITE RIVER: SLOW. Water stained; 52-54 degrees; 22.23’ low. Drought conditions continue to be in place. Please check boat ramp access. Largemouth bass are fair with worms and spinners looking for cover and structure. Crappie are fair on jigs and minnows in inlets. Walleye remains slow. Catfish are fair on live bait, cut bait, and stinkbait.


SABINE LAKE: GOOD. Water stained, visibility 1-3'; 73-74 degrees. Fishing conditions unchanged from the last report. Trout fishing has been excellent drifting the south revetment wall on shrimp. Redfish are good in the mud shell flats adjacent to steeper shorelines, channel drops The Entergy Outfall Canal are producing good catches of slot reds. Scattered catches of flounder are taken around the mouths of bayous and ditches on Sabine Lake and the Keith Lake Chain. Some flounder are on channel drops at Sabine Pass. Best baits are mud minnows and Gulp lures on a 1/4-to-1/8-oz. jig head.

PORT MANSFIELD: GOOD. 69-70 degrees. With the water temperature rising, the topwater bite has been perfect for both reds and trout. Reds are good in the shallows north and south of the east cut on topwater,kwiggler paddle tail, and shrimp under a popping cork. Trout can be caught in the flats in deeper water on the breaks with good numbers with kwiggler ball tail in Mansfield margarita. Sheephead also are running at the jetties. Flounder in the east cut using soft plastics and shrimp under a popping cork.

TRINITY BAY: GOOD. 66 degrees. Unchanged. Wade fishing the shoreline with artificial bait or drifting over the shell reefs off the boat are the best ways to catch redfish or speckled trout here. Flounder are excellent on minnow around the rocks. The nearby plant's cooling canal flows into the north side of Trinity Bay. The warm water flows over a spillway and into a small lake, which in turn spills into the bay. These conditions bring the best redfish action of the year during the colder months.

EAST GALVESTON BAY: GOOD. 70-71 degrees. March can be one of the best months for wade fishing in the bay, and it has been heating up. Flounder are good on live shrimp or minnow. Redfish and trout can be found around the shallow grass flats and are good on shrimp. Catfish are good on cut bait. Sheepshead spawning is in full swing and will be found primarily around the jetties on shrimp. Moses Lake floodgate closure effective until April 20th.

WEST GALVESTON BAY: GOOD. 70-71 degrees. Sheepshead are spawning and are excellent on shrimp by the jetties. Black drum are good around structure on blue crab. Flounder are good on live shrimp or minnow. Catfish are good on cut shad. Redfish and trout can be found along the shoreline and are best with live shrimp. Moses Lake Floodgate closure is effective until April 20th. March can be one of the best months for wade fishing in the bay.

TEXAS CITY: GOOD. 70-71 degrees. Redfish are very good over the flats on live shrimp. Flounder are good on live shrimp or minnow around the jetties. Speckled trout are good along the shoreline on shrimp. Black drum are excellent on blue crab. Sheepshead are very good around the dike.

FREEPORT: GOOD. Water mostly clear, 70-71 degrees. Water temperatures are on the rise, and fishing has been great in the back lakes and marshes. Black drum are good on a gold spoon this time of year, slow bouncing off the bottom. Redfish will be found along the flats and are best on shrimp. On windier days, look for them to be stacked up along the shoreline. Speckled trout are good on shrimp. Sheepshead are found around the oyster reeds in the back lakes. The flounder are good around the bridge on mullet.

PORT ARANSAS: GOOD. 71-72 degrees. Unchanged. Flounder are good on live mullet along the marsh. Sheepshead are good on shrimp around the rocks. Redfish and trout are good along the south jetty on shrimp. Black drum are good on blue crab.

ROCKPORT: GOOD. Water mostly clear; 66-68 degrees. Redfish are very good, using small white shrimp or finger mullet around the flats and edges. Trout are excellent on mullet or shrimp and found around the shoreline. Flounder are good on mullet near the rocks. Black drum are excellent and found around grass beds- blue crab or mullet.

CORPUS CHRISTI: GOOD. 66-67 degrees. Redfish are good on live mullet around Mustang Island. Speckled trout are good around the mid-bay reefs on artificial baits or shrimp. Flounder are good on mullet or shrimp around the rocks. Pompano on dead shrimp, Bull reds on cut bait in the surf. Black drum on crab and shrimp off jetty.

SOUTH PADRE: GOOD. 72-73 degrees. Soft plastics have been the key this past week. Mullet and shrimp baits have also been great in more natural colors. Speckled trout are hanging along color changes. Redfish will be found along the grass flats and are better targets once the wind picks up. There have been a couple of large schools of black drum showing up along the deeper water transitions. Expect the bite to remain solid.

WEST MATAGORDA BAY: GOOD. 66 degrees. Wading and drifting have both been successful fishing methods. Black drum are good on blue crab or shrimp. Speckled trout are excellent along the shoreline on shrimp. Redfish are good on live shrimp or soft plastics. Flounder are good on shrimp around the rocks.

EAST MATAGORDA BAY: GOOD. 66 degrees. Trout are good in shallow water over mud on shrimp or soft plastics. Black drum are good on blue crab. Redfish are good on soft plastics around the reefs and shorelines.

PORT O’CONNOR: GOOD. 66 degrees. Trout and redfish are good on shrimp- the back lakes have proven to be very good lately. Black drum like blue crab or shrimp. Flounder are good around the jetties on shrimp or minnow. Sheepshead are very good near the jetty on live shrimp or mullet.

BAFFIN BAY: GOOD. 66-68 degrees. The trout bite is picking up on artificial lures, live shrimp under a popping cork is working well when you can find live bait. Redfish are good on soft plastics. Black drum on peeled shrimp and flounder are there in good numbers on artificial.

PORT ISABEL: GOOD. 70 degrees. Trout can be found in the shallow grass flats around the Laguna Madre and are good on shrimp. Redfish will be found in less than two feet of water around the grass flats and are best on shrimp. Sheepshead are good on mullet around rocks. Flounder are good on fresh shrimp or mullet. Jack crevalle are fair on live mullet. Black drum are good on crab and shrimp around structure.

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