
Browsnville ISD considering merging two elementary schools

By: Rudy Mireles

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Pandemic related budget constraints are being cited as the reason behind the potential merger of two elementary schools in Brownsville as the district attempts to combat attendance issues.

Brownsville ISD Superintendent Rene Gutierrez said all options are on the table. 

“We were losing kids, but we were not losing kids at this kind of rate that we have due to the pandemic,” Gutierrez said.

One option would be to close Castaneda Elementary School to combine it with the neighboring Cromack Elementary School.

The merger would trim at least 14 current administrative positions down to nine.

Veronica Borrego, president of the Association of Brownsville Educators, said teachers who have been part of a merger in the past typically have issues being welcomed to new campuses. The biggest concern, however, is the adjustment for students.

“Kids are just barely getting back into the swing of things, getting back into being comfortable at the campuses they were already at,” Borrego said. “So for them to throw this at them, it's just kind of...it's tough for them to swallow.”


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