
Dia de la Madre events in Edinburg and Pharr

By: Brenda Villa

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May 10 is the traditional date to celebrate Mother’s Day in Mexico, and two cities in Hidalgo County are helping make sure mothers are being honored.

For Día de la Madre, the city of Edinburg held their annual “Mommy and Me” event at the El Tule Center, located at 700 S. Veterans Blvd.

The event started at 4 p.m. on Friday and runs through 7 p.m. The event featured games, crafts, raffles and more.

In Pharr, the city will hold a “Night Under the Stars,” a performance by the Viol Consort String Ensemble at the Pharr One Ampitheater, located at 1121 E. Nolana Loop.

Doors open Friday at 7:30 p.m., and the performance starts at 8 p.m.

Watch the video above for the full story. 


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