Local Cattle Ranchers Warned about Possible Spread of Parasites
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MERCEDES – A new warning from Texas A&M AgriLife Extension advises ranchers to take precaution with the potential spread of parasites, which could affect cattle.
A Mercedes rancher is keeping an eye out for internal parasites that she says could devastate her herd.
Elizabeth England oversees over 500 cattle and constantly keeps up with their vaccinations to avoid losing them to disease.
KRGV’s Frank McCaffrey spoke with County Extension Agent Brad Cowan with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension to see what can be done to prevent the spread of parasites.
Cowan says stomach worms or liver flukes can affect cattle’s health and make them susceptible to illnesses such as pneumonia – in some cases the parasites can be fatal.
He explains England should contact her veterinarian.
"[She] would apply a product that would control the worms. There are different kinds of products that are available,” he says.
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