
New campsite growing with migrants waiting for asylum

By: Santiago Caicedo

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Title 42 is scheduled to end in one week, a health-related immigration policy that allowed border agents to reject most asylum seekers if they crossed without permission. 

Now that it is ending, more migrants appear to be arriving at the border. 

What many humanitarian groups feared would happen, is now a reality — a new migrant camp is back on the banks of the Rio Grande in Matamoros. 

Among those living there is Gusmeli Cove, a former state police officer in Venezuela who is now asking for asylum.

Cove says she has been waiting for three months for her turn to cross into the U.S. under a humanitarian parole.

"There were things I was told not to do that I didn't consider ethical, and because I did not follow orders, I was considered a threat to the government, Cove says. 

Two weeks ago, the city of Matamoros opened up a shelter at a local gym to avoid migrants from living on the streets. 

There are over 700 people living in the gym that's been converted into a shelter. The majority of them come from Venezuela, Colombia and some from Mexico.

Parents staying there say their children's future is the most important thing.

Watch the video above for the full report. 


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