
Pharr police prepared for New Year's Eve celebrations

By: Cassandra Garcia

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While there won't be a city-wide party in Pharr for New Year’s Eve, other valley residents are planning private celebrations. But sometimes, those events can be dangerous.

Pharr Police Department Community Engagement Officer Steven Guerrero says one of the biggest threats to safety on New Year’s Eve is celebratory gunfire, or when people shoot guns off into the sky.

"The laws of gravity: What goes up must come down," Guerrero said. "Once that projectile comes back, you do not know where it's going to land. That could be someone that you might injure."

Guerrero says they'll have sky watch towers recording in areas known for this, as well as officers patrolling those areas. Police will also be responding to any sounds of gunshots and searching those areas.

Guerrero also encourages the public to not drink and drive and be wary of other drivers who may be drunk.

The best way to ensure your safety is by planning how you're getting home ahead of time, whether it be a rideshare, a sober designated driver, or staying at a friend’s house.


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