
Cameron County judge asking residents who refuse to follow guidelines to reflect on their actions

3 years 10 months 5 days ago Monday, July 13 2020 Jul 13, 2020 July 13, 2020 9:27 PM July 13, 2020 in News - Local

In a change from his usual tone, Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino Jr., took to task those who he says have contributed to the 974 cases over the last week.

Citing governor Abbott’s own words on the possibility of shutting down the state, the judge says no one wants the county or the state to close, asking residents who refuse to follow the guidelines to reflect on their actions.

"Look at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself "What am I doing? Am I taking this seriously? Or am I just concerned about what I want? Am I just concerned about what I care about?" Or "I'm not worried about this because I'm young - I'm healthy." Or "It's a hoax. Or "It's bogus" or "Not true, they're doing all this to control us,” said Trevino on a press conference on Monday.

In addition to discussing measures the county has taken - like purchasing oxygen concentrators to assist the community's hospitals - judge Trevino explained the status of the county's most needed request to the state and federal government - field hospitals.

Watch the video for the full story.

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