
Laguna Heights Worried About Safety on Highway 100 as Spring

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LAGUNA HEIGHTS – With traffic picking up as tourists head to South Padre Island this Spring Break, some residents in Laguna Heights are concerned.

They told CHANNEL 5 NEW they still don't have a safe way to cross Highway 100.

Yenny Romero said there's been a drastic turn of events. Last summer, she was bed-bound after being struck by a Cameron County constable while crossing Highway 100 at night.

She's now on her way to recovery.

"My foot hurts because, well because it was broken in four different spots, but thanks to God, I'm progressing with the help this orthopedic boot and the walker," Romero said.

Romero said she was pushing her daughter in a stroller across the street.

Following an investigation, the deputy was found not to be at fault for the accident.

But the accident is seared into Romero's mind.

"No, I haven't crossed that street again and I don't plan to," she said.

We noticed there are still no crosswalks on Highway 100 around the area where the accident happened.

Romero said this worries her, especially now that there will be increased traffic passing through the small town of Laguna Heights for Spring Break, Semana Santa and summer vacations.

The Texas Department of Transportation oversees the highway. Romero said she doesn't want the state to forget the need for safety there.

"Unless it happens to their family member, I don't think they really understand," Romero said. "We have the right to have something there - a line or something so that will force drivers to respect it."

TxDOT Spokesman Octavio Saenz told CHANNEL 5 NEWS shortly after the accident, someone submitted a request for a traffic study to determine the need for a crosswalk in this area.

He said TxDOT projects must have the data to back them up.

Saenz said Wednesday he is working to determine how far this project has advanced.

Romero added she understands sometimes it takes time for changes but hopes the requested changes get done sooner than later.


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