
Local Landowners Seeking Written Agreement Before Border Wall Construction

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WESLACO – Local landowners say they want to take a proactive approach before the construction of the border fence.

The landowners say they want a written agreement in case their land is next for a border fence in their farm lands.

KRGV’s Angelo Vargas spoke with the Vega family about their farm land and the possibility of a border barrier.

The Vela brothers say they are preparing to keep their safety net, even if a border fence blocks their path.

They say they met with Customs and Border Protection about how their land will be managed, but they want a second meeting with more validation.

"Life has taught me over time that things in writing have a way of being memorialized and things that are not in writing have a tendency of fading away,” says Vela.

The family says they want to make sure their plans are secure if and when the border barrier comes.

For more information, watch the video above.


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