
Valley Oncologist Accused of Sexual Assault Sues Texas Medical Board

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WESLACO – A Rio Grande Valley oncologist accused of sexual assault is suing to reinstate his medical license.

Dr. Eugenio Galindo is suing the Texas Medical Board that handed him restrictions following his arrest on accusations of sexual assault and attempt to commit sexual assault in December.

In March, the Texas Medical Board "prohibited from diagnosing, examining or treating female patients or providing any consultation for the treatment of any female patient. This includes delegating the diagnosis, examination or treatment of any female patient to any mid-level providers or unlicensed individuals. Additionally, Dr. Galindo shall have no contact with any of the individual complainants in this matter."

Dr. Galindo is suing three members of the TMB.

In the lawsuit, he claims to be only one of five board-certified medical oncologists in the McAllen area.

He treats about 3,000 patients and claims the restrictions could mean they "suffer greatly."

Galindo is requesting a temporary restraining order against board members. View the full lawsuit here.

He is asking for the court to hold a jury trial based on the merits and is seeking compensatory damages.

The lawsuit further states his due process was violated when they were not given enough time to prepare for the hearing and did not have a court reporter present to record it.

The board responded today stating there is legal precedence that does not require any pre-suspension process when patient safety is at risk. Read the full statement here.

The response also pointed to the indictments submitted prior to their decision.


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