
Veteran Accountability

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DONNA - The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is providing the removal, suspensions and demotions of employees as of July 3, 2017 in an online accountability report. 

The report shows 23 veterans health administrations across the country.  According to the Veterans Health Administration, the Rio Grande Valley is under the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN 17).  It’s made up of seven different VA medical health care clinics in Texas.  The VA accountability report shows several removals and suspensions and demotions.

"They’re seeing now that they are terminating all these people. They're saying you know what they got terminated, what makes us think that we're not going to get terminated. The need to open their eyes and we’re probably start getting better service. But right now it's not good service,” said Veteran Richard Pena. 

Army Veteran and Americas Last Patrol Commander, Richard Pena is frustrated. He said an appointment letter he got from the VA came too late.

"Then I get the letter the same day my appointment is. I saw the date on there. The same date of my appointment how can they know I didn't show up for my appointment the same day,” said Pena.

Pena hopes Veterans Affairs new accountability tactic works soon before his next medical appointment comes too late. 

Pena also questioned why specific facilities are not on the list. We reached out to the VA Texas Coastal Bend in Harlingen. They sent us this statement:

“The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is making public a list of adverse employee actions taken since Jan. 20 in order to continue to shine a light on the actions we're taking to reform the culture at VA."

"The news release further states that for privacy reasons, the adverse action list does not include employee names, but gives information on the position, VA region or administration and type of adverse or disciplinary action taken,” said VA Texas Valley Coastal Bend Public Affairs Officer Reynaldo Leal.


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