
Weslaco ISD Receives New Fleet of Buses with Updated Features

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WESLACO – Weslaco ISD is spending thousands of dollars to improve the safety of their students.

A new fleet of buses has arrived after a total of 68 buses were damaged as a result of June’s flooding.

The Weslaco ISD Superintendent Priscilla Canales says these buses have new features to keep students safe.

“All our new buses will have seatbelts, a new feature for our school district and many school districts across the state. They do have cameras, several cameras on the bus. We're talking about the latest, safest buses,” says Weslaco ISD Superintendent Priscilla Canales.

KRGV’s Frank McCaffrey spoke with a local resident who has two sisters in grade school and explains the need to take safety precautions on the bus.

Watch the video above for the full story.


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