
Doctor Advises Parents to be Up to Date in Vaccines

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WESLACO - Monday means back to school for some Valley children, and doctors want parents to make sure their kids are up to date with their vaccines.

Mumps, measles and the flu are just some of the viruses kids can come in contact with during the school year.

Sandra Juarez says she makes sure her kids vaccinations are up to date.

She has three kids and they’re set to start school in two weeks.

"I went to register them for school and so I had the immunization records in the car ready to go."

Andres Morgado-Perez is a doctor at McAllen Family Medicine Residency Clinic.

He says when school starts, kids come in close contact with others at school and daycares, so they're exposed to all kinds of germs.

"If we have them vaccinated by that time we will be preventing the widespread of many important infectious diseases that they can get", explains Morgado-Perez. 

Some vaccines require more than one dose.

These boosters will help keep your child protected against those viruses.

Watch the video for the full story.


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