
Wedding Dresses From Across the Decades on Exhibit

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WESLACO – The Weslaco Museum is offering a walk down memory lane for several brides. A new exhibit highlights wedding dresses from the 1920s to the present.

Several community members contributed to the display. “Word got out and they started bringing dresses in,” said Wade Marcum, the Weslaco Museum executive director. “The majority of the dresses that we have are on loan from individual community members."

Mary Mattar’s wedding dress is on display. The 91-year-old said she found it a few years ago. Her wedding photo, which she took 66 years ago, is part of the exhibit.

She told us, “Now you can do whatever you want to do. You don't have to follow any rules or regulations. And so now, you can express yourself."

The museum’s executive director said, “You can really see the differences and the change in style and how the dresses really changed over the decades."

He added the detail on some of the dresses is “pretty astonishing.” “You can definitely tell that brides put a lot of work to choosing these dresses,” Marcum said.

The oldest picture in the exhibit is of Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Benitez, who were married in 1920. The most recent display was from 2014.  

There are even family groupings in the exhibit. Photos of Thelda Tanner, her parents and her daughter are on display.

Weslaco Museum Assistant Director Elaine Wisely’s dress is part of the exhibit, along with photos of her mother-in-law and mother. “Oh my gosh, my mother was so young and so beautiful,” she said. “It's just been a delight to learn about them."

The museum is located on the 500 block of South Texas Boulevard. The exhibit is scheduled to continue through the end of June.

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