
City of Santa Rosa Warns Residents about Thieves

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UPDATE (6/8): The city of Santa Rosa is asking for help from the Cameron County district attorney with the investigation into the phone calls.

Officials are trying to determine how information from customer accounts were obtained.

The city has already reinstalled computer programs and plans to purchase a new server in order to prevent this from happening again in the future.


SANTA ROSA – Several people in Santa Rosa have recently reported receiving calls from impostors claiming to work with the city’s water system.

Now, the city of Santa Rosa is warning its residents about it. 

They say thieves demand payments and threaten to disconnect services.  

A press release issued out Thursday stresses the city does not call customers to request payment over the phone. All bills are sent through the mail. 

If you receive a phone call like this, report it to the Santa Rosa Police Department at 956-636-1050.

Watch the video above for more information.


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