
DHR Health recruits participants for statin study

By: Marisol Villarreal

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DHR Health is participating in a national study that focuses on statins — drugs that help control cholesterol.

As part of the study, the DHR Health Institute for Research and Development is recruiting patients 75 years old and older who have never taken statins or have stopped taking statins within the past 12 months.

Some participants in the study will be given statins. Others will receive a placebo.

"These patients are going to be followed for a period of five years to see ... the effect on cognitive disorders, effect on dementia, effect on cardiovascular diseases," said Dr. Sohail Rao, the president and CEO of the DHR Health Institute for Research and Development.

For more information about the study, call (956) 362-2391 or email mar.vega@dhr-rgv.com.


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