
Government Requests Temporary Halt to Private Border Wall Construction in RGV

By: Valerie Gonzalez

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MISSION – The United States filed a lawsuit Thursday and requesting a restraining order to temporarily stop activity by We Build the Wall, a company building a wall along the Rio Grande River in the Valley, south of Mission, Texas.

It's filed on behalf of the International Boundary and Water Commission, a federal agency charged with the responsibility of applying the boundary and water treaties between the United States and Mexico and settling differences that may arise in their application, as per their website.

According to the federal complaint filed Thursday with the Southern District of Texas McAllen Division federal court, the IBWC required certain documentation before the work was initiated.

On Nov. 15, the federal agency sent the company:

"1) Submit a completed hydraulic analysis and packet of additional materials for analysis by the USIBWC pursuant to the 1970 treaty; 2) cease construction of the bollard structure until the USIBWC could analyze the model, confer with Mexico, and issue a letter as to whether there is a deflection or obstruction as a result of the construction; and 3) stop utilizing a USIBWC levee for vehicular traffic."

In monitoring the company's interviews and social media, the federal agency found that the company was planning on "altering the character of the bank of the Rio Grande" and in a website post announced "the wall is going up this week no matter what."

The complaint states activity continues even on the date of the filing:

"As of December 5, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. on information and belief, WBTW has continued to clear the immediate area of the riverbank and conduct other work on the Neuhaus Property and has failed to produce the requested documents and studies requested by the USIBWC for analysis regarding compliance or noncompliance with the terms of the 1970 treaty.”

The government is asking the federal court to stop all construction activity until they are able to comply with international treaties.

The next scheduled hearing on this set for Feb. 5, 2020 at 9 a.m. before Judge Randy Crane of the McAllen division.


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