
Questions Arise after More Than $100K is Spent on Christmas Decor in Mercedes

By: Christian Colon

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MERCEDES – Mercedes city leaders went big on their holiday decorations, but some say it is costing taxpayers too much.

They spent more than $100,000 on a Christmas tree and street decorations, but some residents are questioning their priorities.

“Having a Christmas tree is a beautiful thing. It is a nice thing for the city, but when the city is not in a financial position to make these kinds of expenses the commission really needs to look on how those monies are being spent,” says Israel Coronado, a Mercedes resident.

A receipt obtained by CHANNEL 5 NEWS includes the 28-foot LED Christmas tree, that city officials say is one of three in the world and cost more than $65,000.

Custom-made street crossers were all imported from France, costing more than $27,000.

Coronado says the city should have spent the money on pot holes, adding street lights and fixing drainage.

Watch the video for the full story.


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