Valley Veteran Questioning VA Disability Claims Process
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WESLACO – A Rio Grande Valley veteran is questioning the Veterans Affairs disability claims process.
The Disabilities Benefits Questionnaire is a medical form that allows veterans to claim injury during their time in service.
It is meant to speed up the claims process but many say it’s slowing it down and others don't know what it's for.
KRGV’s Angelo Vargas spoke with Navy veteran John McCormick about the struggles of trying to submit this questionnaire.
"Actually, if you ask probably most of the veterans when they go to the VA, if you ask them what a DBQ is they’re going to look at you like you've asked something out of wild space somewhere,” says McCormick.
McCormick says veterans should consult with a veteran services officer at the local Disabled American Veterans non-profit organization.
Watch the video above for the full story.