


Medical Breakthroughs: New implant helping treat heart failure

Posted 1:10 PM 7/26/2024 by Naomi De Lucia

More than 6 million Americans live with heart failure, and exerts expect that number to grow to more than 8 million in the next five years.

64-year-old Jim Balala became the first recipient of an implantable device to treat heart failure.

Jim has been suffering with heart failure (More)


Operation Border Health Preparedness continues offering free medical services while prepping for natural disasters

Posted 6:56 PM 7/25/2024 by Christian von Preysing

Free medical and health screenings provided by the Texas State Guard and other groups will continue across the Rio Grande Valley on Friday.

Medical staff at all four Valley locations of Operation Border Health Preparedness have already served thousands of patients this week.

The (More)


Prescription Health: Revolutionary cellular therapy for melanoma

Posted 6:59 AM 7/24/2024 by Naomi De Lucia

The American Cancer Society reports 100,000 people will be diagnosed with skin cancer and more than 8,000 will die from it.

Now, a revolutionary therapy is giving patients new hope.

Steve Balzer spent day after day, year after year, outside working as an electric company (More)


Medical Breakthroughs: Boy undergoes rare Aortic Coarctation surgery

Posted 11:06 AM 7/22/2024 by Naomi De Lucia

Eight-year-old Emmitt was outside playing on a normal day, when he ran out of breath.

"My heart was beating fast, but I took some rest and I got better," Emmitt said.

Emmitt's mom thought it was just a cold, but after a trip to the doctor's office and getting an MRI, he was (More)


Health screenings to be offered to the public during Operation Border Health Preparedness

Posted 10:10 AM 7/22/2024 by Jose De Leon III

The public is invited to take advantage of the free medical, dental, and vision services that will be offered in the Rio Grande Valley starting on Monday.

Operation Border Health Preparedness, formerly known as Operation Lone Star, will offer pop-up medical clinics across four locations in (More)


Medical Breakthroughs: Treating babies born with HIV

Posted 3:50 PM 7/19/2024 by Naomi De Lucia

In the ‘80's, contracting HIV was considered a death sentence. 

The following decade, HIV was the number one cause of death among Americans from the ages of 25 to 44. 

Now, there are antiviral drugs that can keep people infected with the virus alive into their 70's (More)

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