McAllen family turns to homeschooling as COVID-19 cases rise
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As COVID-19 cases spike across the Rio Grande Valley, some parents say they're turning to homeschooling to keep their kids safe against the virus.
Valley parent Maria Maldonado-Guajardo lost several family members to COVID-19; she says sending her children back to school is a risk she's unwilling to take.
"We were devastated to lose our elderly family members, but to lose our children, that's something we're not going to be prepared to do," Maldonado-Guajardo said. "I'm putting my children's health as a priority before anything else."
Jennifer Rodriguez, administrator for the Facebook page RGV Homeschoolers, says nearly 100 people join the group daily.
"A lot of them have the same questions," she said. "'How do I get started? How do I choose a curriculum?'"
Rodriguez says groups like hers help answer questions for first-time homeschoolers and offer them support.
For those considering homeschooling, Rodriguez says groups help guide newcomers with the basics to start.
"First withdrawal," Rodriguez said. "Next, choose a curriculum. Network, [and the] last step is to modify if you need to."
Rodriguez says, often parents who work full-time feel that they can't homeschool their children, but she says there are still options available.