
Mexican Citizens Protest at Presidio Port of Entry

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PRESIDIO - An international port of entry located in west Texas was reopened after being closed for almost 10 hours.

The Presidio International Port of Entry resumed activity around 8:30 p.m. on Friday. The bridge had been closed since the morning cutting people off from the bridge for hours.

Presidio Police Chief Marco Beaza said Mexican customs shut down the bridge around 10:30 a.m. He said Border Patrol and CBP reported nearly 250 Mexican protestors took control of the bridge.  

“There’s protestors that came into Ojinaga. There’s some locals involved and due to the increase in gasoline prices,” he said. “It was later discussed that they had broken through the gates.”

CHANNEL 5 NEWS was able to speak to several Mexican residents who work in Presidio. They were able to go back to their families on the other side of the border soon after. 


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