
Brownsville Veterans gearing up for semifinals after historic win

Brownsville Veterans gearing up for semifinals after historic win
1 year 2 months 1 week ago Monday, December 04 2023 Dec 4, 2023 December 04, 2023 6:35 PM December 04, 2023 in News - Local

The Brownsville Veterans Memorial Chargers will soon be Corpus Christi bound after advancing to the semifinal's championship.

Tickets to the game sold out in an hour and a half after they went on sale at 7 a.m. Monday. A total of 5,500 tickets were sold.

It's an exciting moment for Texas high school football, not just for the Chargers but for the entire Rio Grande Valley.

There has been endless support for the team way before fans filled the bleachers at Sams Memorial Stadium.

Red, white and blue fill the hallways of Veterans Memorial Early College High School as the Chargers head to the 5th round of playoffs.

"It feels great, with all this support that we're getting, and it keeps us on our toes too cause yes we're getting the support, but we also need to stay humble, stay focused because we got to accomplish what we need to accomplish," Chargers quarterback Storm Montoya said.

He says the ride is far from over.

"My mentality right now is I'm going to go hard for these guys, I'm not going to give up," Montoya said.

The Veterans Memorial Chargers are up against the Smithson Valley Rangers on Friday. Now it's time to get prepared.

The team has a couple of days before heading up to Corpus Christi. As the day gets closer, the support only gets stronger.

"We believe in you, there has never been a doubt in my mind and in the minds and hearts of the parents, we know that no matter what happens this weekend we've already won," Teacher and football mom, Melissa Barrera-Sosa said. 

The team says their priority is to stay focused and keep the faith.

Brownsville Independent School District will have early dismissal on Friday. The big game will kick off at 7 p.m. at Buccaneer Stadium in Corpus Christi.

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