Gov Abbott signs anti-smuggling bill into law in McAllen
The effort to combat human smugglers from moving migrants throughout the state intensified Wednesday after Gov. Greg Abbott arrived in McAllen to sign an anti-smuggling bill.
Under Senate Bill 576, prosecutors will no longer have the burden of proving that a smuggler intended to receive payment for the crime of human smuggling. It also enhances the criminal penalties for human smuggling when payment is involved as those caught breaking the law can face a first, second, or third degree felony charge, depending on the circumstance.
Local leaders hope this will law will deter smugglers.
"Human trafficking is a horrific crime that preys upon women and children, and what happens to those women and children who are trafficked is unspeakable,” Gov Abbott said.
Abbott was joined by McAllen city officials, state Rep. JM Lozano, and law enforcement personnel. Abbott added that he hopes this law will help reduce the amount of drugs coming across the border.