
Made in the 956: Valley blogger receives ambassador of the month award from Harlingen Area Chamber of Commerce

Made in the 956: Valley blogger receives ambassador of the month award from Harlingen Area Chamber of Commerce
1 year 11 months 1 week ago Thursday, March 02 2023 Mar 2, 2023 March 02, 2023 3:10 PM March 02, 2023 in News - Local

This week we're re-introducing Lisa Campos, a Rio Grande Valley native doing great things for the community.

Campos is the found and creator of the blog, Explore Harlingen, a project that has some person meaning for her.

"Both my parents are in heaven now, but my parents used to call Harlingen the little H as compared to Houston being the big H. And little H has already held a really big part of my heart. And that's what this blog is. It's a love letter to my hometown," Campos said.

That was over a year ago.

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This week, Campos provided an update on what's been going on with her and her blog over the past year.

"Things have gotten really crazy. There was a lot of momentum last year that just carried over into this year," Campos said. "Well we have a new mayor, so things are changing and happening, and I've been, just you know, trying to coordinate efforts with the city. We had a big announcement the other day about Academy coming to Harlingen. And all the new coffee shops we're getting, Dutch Bros. Coffee, and that building at 1601 W. Harrison that's being demolished. Which is huge. It's been there for so long. Work is great. Blog is great. But it's just two full-time jobs at this point."

But this labor of love recently led Campos to a personal milestone and an honor from the Harlingen Area Chamber of Commerce.

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"So each month they recognized an ambassador of the month, and that's what I got for February," Campos said. "And we represent the chamber, So it's just a small group of about 30 people right now that are ambassadors."

It's a role Campos' mom was very familiar with. 

"It was special that it was February because my mom's birthday was in February," Campos said. "And she's been on my mind so much. We've been missing her so badly.,I just want to make her proud, and I'm just so proud to be able to wear her jacket. And it fits like a glove, so I wear it now to the Chamber events. And every-time someone asks me, even when they don't ask me, I tell them, this is my mom's jacket, haha! Because I'm just so proud, and I just want to show it off."

And we must say, that the jacket is a perfect fit.

Lisa Campos, made in the 956.

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