
Medical Breakthroughs: Link between Parkinson's disease and gut health

Medical Breakthroughs: Link between Parkinson's disease and gut health
4 weeks 9 hours 40 minutes ago Monday, August 12 2024 Aug 12, 2024 August 12, 2024 1:48 PM August 12, 2024 in News

Parkinson's disease can cause a number of health problems, including tremors, loss of balance and anxiety.

Doctors don't know the cause, but new studies suggest it may begin in the gut and possibly be connected to the brain.

Nobody in Gregory Monroe Jr. family had Parkinson's. In fact, for most of his life, he didn't even know what it was. But at age 40, Monroe was at work when he noticed his hand shaking.

"I was working for overnight security, and I was telling the guest that his music was too loud, and my hand started to tremor," Monroe said.

Nobody knows what causes it, but Duke University Gastroenterologist Rodger Liddle is looking into how the gut-brain connection may play a role.

"It's recently been discovered that there are specific cells in the lining of the gut that connect to the vagus nerve and send signals to the brain," Liddle said.

Now, Liddle's team is taking it a step further, looking specifically at enteroendocrine cells found in the gut.

"Our laboratory discovered that these enteroendocrine cells contain a protein that's involved in Parkinson's disease," Liddle said.

When the protein malfunctions, it clumps together and spreads from cell to cell. These clumps are called Lewy bodies and are a major sign of Parkinson's design.

"It surprised me that this happens very quickly in mice," Liddle said.

Liddle hopes what they are learning will help to stop Parkinson's before tremors, or other symptoms, begin.

Now, studies are underway by other investigators across the country looking at ways to intercept the gut-brain connection, in hopes of preventing Parkinson's altogether.

Liddle also believes once they can disrupt the gut-brain connection, they may be able to stop several other neurodegenerative diseases.

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