Rio Hondo Residents Still Dealing with Hail Damage Nearly a Year Later
RIO HONDO--The remnants of a hail storm nearly a year ago can still be felt by residents in Rio Hondo.
According to the National Weather Service, the hail last spring was reported to be around 2 to 3 inches in diameter. It caused significant damage to both vehicles and homes.
"I would say to fix it, it would probably be around 3 thousand dollars," Gilberto Santana who is still dealing with roof damage.
Santana has lived in Rio Hondo for most of his life.
"Spent sometime in California then came back, I was born and raised here in Rio Hondo," said Santana.
He's no stranger to braving hail storms. In those cases, he says insurance helped cover repairs to his home.
"We've had some before, and they did cover it," said Santana.
With new insurance, this time he's on his own.
"The fine print said we weren't covered for hail storms," said Santana.
Right now Santana says he doesn't have the money to fix his roof.
Every time it rains it reminds him of last year's storm.
"I have to put some plastic over some stuff the we got keep it away from getting too much rain too much water," said Santana.
Santana recommends everyone be familiar with what exactly is covered in their insurance so they aren't caught in the same bind he is.
With more rain on the way this week Santana says he will do what he can to keep the inside of his home dry.