
Understanding Warning Signs of Hypothermia Amid Cold Front

Understanding Warning Signs of Hypothermia Amid Cold Front
6 years 2 months 1 week ago Monday, November 12 2018 Nov 12, 2018 November 12, 2018 10:37 PM November 12, 2018 in News

HARLINGEN – The number of cases of hypothermia in the Rio Grande Valley increases when cold fronts hit the area.   

Hypothermia can be a potentially deadly situation, according to South Texas Emergency Care.

KRGV’s Trason Bragg spoke with the director of patient transport at STEC EMS, Rene Perez, about the warning signs of this condition.  

"When you get hypothermic, typically you start shivering, once your body loses that ability to shiver, then you start seeing other things like your heart rate starts to slow down. You start breathing a little slower,” explains Perez. He explains it eventually leads to, "less blood going to your head, which causes you to be less coordinated, lose consciousness that type of thing.”

He explains ignoring theses warning signs could lead to the body shutting down, causing respiratory arrest then cardiac arrest.

Watch the video above for the full story.

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