
Ownership of Valley Historical Landmark in Question

By: John Paul Barajas

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UPDATE (4/18): The rightful owner of the Eli Jackson Cemetery is unknown once again. 

Last week, Hidalgo County records stated Diana Cardenas had sole ownership but after a search of the records Thursday, we saw her name was removed.  

Assistant Chief Appraiser Jorge Gonzalez states when her name was listed it might not have meant she was the sole owner but instead the caretaker of the cemetery. 

He says proving the rightful owner could take time. 


UPDATE (4/11): The owner of the historical Eli Jackson cemetery is now known.

County records state Diana Cardenas has 100 percent ownership of the cemetery.


HIDALGO - A woman claiming to be the rightful owner of the historical Eli Jackson cemetery says she is fighting to save it from being destroyed by protesters.

Protesters say they are on the cemetery to protect it from the proposed border wall; they set up camp on the land since January.

Diana Cardenas claims she is the rightful owner of the property and says protesters are trashing the land rather than keeping it safe.

CHANNEL 5 NEWS spoke to another woman off-camera, who claims partial ownership.

The woman praised the work of the protesters protecting the land from the wall.

She says she hired an investigator with South Texas Lands Investigations to find the title to the property.

The county records have no deed on file and under property owner; it reads ‘Eli Jackson Cemetery’.

For more information watch the video above.


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