
TXDOT holds meeting to discuss San Juan road expansion proposal

TXDOT holds meeting to discuss San Juan road expansion proposal
10 months 3 days 7 hours ago Tuesday, April 16 2024 Apr 16, 2024 April 16, 2024 6:46 PM April 16, 2024 in News - Local

The Texas Department of Transportation held a meeting over a plan to widen Raul Longoria Road in San Juan. During that meeting, they heard from residents who live or work around that area.

Cruz Quintana is a San Juan native who has seen the city grow quickly over the past years.

RELATED STORY: TXDOT holding first public meeting on road expansion project in San Juan

He knows changes come with a growing city, but he's worried TXDOT's proposed expansion plans could make getting out of his neighborhood more difficult.

What TXDOT is looking to do is to expand Raul Longoria from just two lanes in each direction and adding another lane. That would be three lanes in both directions, but one of the biggest changes is to add a raised median.

Longoria is worried unwanted minutes could be added to his drive time if he needs to turn around.

"I'm going to have to cross the expressway into South Raul Longoria to come back north, [it ]doesn't make sense," Quintana said.

One of the biggest issues are for the local businesses.

The third lane that will be added along with the wide sidewalk for both bicyclists and pedestrians could cause businesses to leave.

At the meeting, TXDOT officials were on-hand to explain what options property owners have in case their property is taken over.

"We don't ask anyone to leave, so either a small chain within the city of San Juan future we promote big chains. We always help and try to incentivize as much as we can... so that we don't lose their businesses. Obviously, we want everybody to come to San Juan," San Juan Economic Development Corporation Director Benjamin Arjona said.

Arjona says the city has no say on what TXDOT decides to do with the road, but says the city stands ready to help business owners.

Residents can still leave public comment on the proposal until May 1.

They can also contact Right Of Way officials who will be able to compensate property owners based on fair market value.

To learn more about the proposal click here and to leave a public comment, click here.

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