
Appraisals for Properties in Path of Future Border Wall Begin

Appraisals for Properties in Path of Future Border Wall Begin
5 years 11 months 5 days ago Monday, November 19 2018 Nov 19, 2018 November 19, 2018 6:39 PM November 19, 2018 in News

WESLACO – The government is getting into the appraisal stage for multiple properties in the path of the border wall.

KRGV’s Christian von Preysing explains the appraisals are needed in order to know how much to pay landowners when they take away their properties.

The government wants a contractor to appraise 10 pieces of property in Hidalgo County.

"They're going to purchase that property at market value," explains realtor Mark Hanna.

Hanna says the government can offer cash or take the property through eminent domain and pay the owner.

"When you're looking at the border area, a lot of these properties have been owned for generations, so there's not really any comparable. You have to go really far out. So it's very difficult to come up with a fair market value," he explains. 

Watch the video above for the full story.

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