
Woman Advises Government to Visit More Border Cities

Woman Advises Government to Visit More Border Cities
7 years 6 months 3 weeks ago Tuesday, April 04 2017 Apr 4, 2017 April 04, 2017 6:17 PM April 04, 2017 in News

BROWNSVILLE – A Rio Grande Valley woman wants to make sure her voice is heard as the deadline for border wall designs closes.

Brownsville resident Pamela Taylor lives on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande behind the existing border fence. She was one of the first ones to speak out against the first border fence’s construction.

As designs for a new wall go to Washington, D.C., Taylor said she hopes the government could see what’s really going on in her backyard.

“Actually, the wall is what about half a mile in front of my house,” she said.

Taylor said she demanded answers when she saw the first fence being built.

“It just happened. We wrote, as you can see, that’s my folder there. Those are people we have written to,” he said.

Taylor said politicians should come down and see what border life is really like in Brownsville.

“They get to McAllen but they never get down to Brownsville. It’s like we’re already part of Mexico,” she said.

The Brownsville resident pointed out the terrain in her area could make it difficult to put up a new wall.

“It’s going to cost billions and the specific area here, how could you build a brick wall here? It’s going to take an awful lot of concrete to sink down to hold that wall,” she said.

Taylor said the government should speak to everyone who lives along the river.

“They’re just going to go ahead and do what they want to do, but they should consult the people,” she said.

Taylor said everyone who wants should have the chance to voice their concerns.

The resident said she continues to get visitors from around the world asking for her opinion. She hopes her message gets to Washington, D.C. before construction of the new wall begins. 

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