Local Enforcement Officers Making Sure Political Signs in Check Amid Election Campaigns
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BROWNSVILLE – Political signs being posted amid election campaigns are keeping local enforcement officers on the lookout.
It’s not the writing on the signs that takes the attention of the voters, it’s the number of signs seen as Election Day approaches in less than two weeks.
“We see that eagerness for people to want to create more exposure for the candidates,” says Constanza Miner, the planning and development services director for the city of Brownsville.
KRGV’s Sierra Pizarro spoke with residents who say the number of signs can be overwhelming and even distracting.
More than 30 political signs were seen along the street at the city’s Central Boulevard Polling Station.
Ordinance enforcement units keep the sign in check with several regulations, including obtaining the landowner’s permission, being outside of the public right-of-way and being less than eight feet in length.
To report these signs, you can call 546-4357.
Watch the video above for the full story.