
Local Police Dept. Reports Decrease Border Patrol Calls Requesting Assistance

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RIO GRANDE CITY – A greater focus on the border isn’t putting a stop to illegal immigration.

KRGV’s Valerie Gonzalez made a visit to Starr County to see the impact on local law enforcement.

Rio Grande City chief of police Noe Castillo says the department is receiving less calls from Border Patrol requesting assistance.

“Some couple of years ago. Then, I say that maybe about six, seven months ago, we had a little bit of an influx in traffic and it stopped all of a sudden. But, like I said, the majority is probably getting picked up at the river or being pushed out from the sides of Rio,” says Castillo.

The National Guard was sent to support agents with intelligence gathering but it may have led to unintended consequences. 

One month after being deployed, a drug ring was discovered in Rio Grande City.

In October, immigrants were found stuck inside a manhole in Roma.   

Local police know smuggling will continue.

Watch the video above for the full story.


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