
Mercedes police see increase in reports of graffiti

By: Sarah Cervera

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Spray-painted fences, street signs, buildings and bridges, it's a common sight for people who live and drive down 5th Street and Florida Avenue in Mercedes.

Alonso Oliva has lived in the area for over 14 years. He says in the past month, more graffiti began to pop up.

"Especially over there by the canal where there is no surveillance and all the time the young kids are spraying," Oliva said.

Oliva says he wants that to change, and Mercedes police is doing just that.

Earlier in the week, the department installed several cameras around the area in hopes of catching the vandals in the act. They've also stepped up patrols.

"It will potentially help us identify who these individuals are that are tagging," Mercedes Police Department Lt. Jesus Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez says this is an issue that's been happening for the past five years, but recently it started picking up.

"In the holidays, starting December and January, that's when we started getting more reports," Rodriguez said.

He says last month, the department got seven reports of graffiti in the 5th Street and Florida Avenue area.

The Mercedes city manager said the city plans to address the issue in public spaces, which includes signs and a bridge on 5th Street, where multiple areas have graffiti spray-painted on it.

"I encourage those people that see these things happening to report it to the local law enforcement, to the Mercedes Police Department," Rodriguez said.

Residents can make a report by calling the Mercedes Police Department at 956-565-3102 or going in person to the police station.


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