
Consistency is key: 5 common mistakes people make when losing weight

Consistency is key: 5 common mistakes people make when losing weight
3 years 3 months 3 weeks ago Monday, May 24 2021 May 24, 2021 May 24, 2021 7:01 PM May 24, 2021 in News - Local

With summertime around the corner, many people are starting up their fitness journey, but experts say you should avoid making these five mistakes when losing weight. 

If you're trying to shed some pounds but aren't seeing any results, the first mistake you may be making is eating too frequently. 

Dr. Aimee Duffy at the Carolina Integrative Medicine says there is a six-hour window in which people should be eating. It's called intermittent fasting, and the six-hour window is entirely up to you. 

"If you want to skip breakfast and eat from 12 to six or some people skip dinner and they eat first thing in the morning and then stop eating later in the afternoon," Duffy said. 

The next frequent mistake is not getting enough exercise.

Duffy said if you're sitting all day long, chances are you won't see an improvement. But if your schedule is too busy, simple exercises and activities can help you get more movement in your day.

"Even one to two minutes has benefits," Duffy said. "At home, there are all kinds of YouTube videos. There are all kinds of helpful tools that can help you get that workout in."

Duffy says eating too many carbs can also contribute to stagnant weight loss. 

High carb foods like pasta, rice, tortillas, and even beans turn into sugar inside the body and store fat making weight loss nearly impossible. 

While those carbs may give you a quick burst of energy, you need to watch that blood sugar level in the long run.

"The fourth mistake that you probably make when you're trying to lose weight is not knowing your numbers," Duffy said. "Have you seen those little white patches that people wear on their arms? that's called a continuous glucose monitor."

Glucose monitors give you a continuous blood sugar reading that helps you know how what you eat is affecting your body. 

Speaking of sugar, Duffy says the fifth mistake people make when trying to lose weight is consuming too many sugary drinks.

"People don't realize the hidden amount of calories and sugars in things like Coca-Cola [and] sweet tea," Duffy said. "If you're sipping on those all day, you're not going to be able to lose the weight."

It's no surprise that the best thing to drink is water, but if you need a burst of energy, Duffy recommends black coffee or water flavor packers that provide the energy lift without all the added sugar. 

"When you make these changes, sometimes you'll see a burst of weight loss right away," Duffy said. "Then it slows down as your body is trying to figure out this new thing you're doing. So have patience. One to two pounds a week is optimal."

So if you're trying to lose 10 to 20 pounds, it will take some time, and experts like Duffy say consistency over time will give you the best results. 

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