
Organizers Taking Extra Safety Measures at Sombrero Fest

Organizers Taking Extra Safety Measures at Sombrero Fest
6 years 11 months 1 week ago Saturday, February 24 2018 Feb 24, 2018 February 24, 2018 5:24 PM February 24, 2018 in News

Organizers have put extra safety measures in place at Sombrero Fest to make everyone feel at ease.

People are being asked to carry only clear, or small clutch sized bags.

Anything else will be subject to a police search.

Sombrero Fest Board Chair, Olga Gonzalez, tells CHANNEL 5 NEWS that tragic events happening across the country prompted the decision for the new bag policy.

People we talked to said this is a welcome change.

"With the recent violence that's going on all over this country, I'm glad that sombrero fest took that precaution and made it safer for us," said Anisa Ramirez.

"I saw it on social media, on Facebook, and I actually re-shared it because I thought it was a really good idea to bring in small bags."

Before walking into the gates, there is a sign showing exactly what types of bags are acceptable.

Mom of two daughters, Marcella Mireles said this added precaution makes her feel safer about bringing her girls into the crowd.

"It's really scary what's going on out there and especially having the kids around, I'd hate for anything to happen to anyone that's just trying to have a good time," said Mireles.

However, she said there is one downside.

"As a mom, I'm carrying everything in my pockets, in my hands, so it's kind of a struggle there because you have your drink and you have your food, and you can't really enjoy it as much," Mireles said.

Mireles said she would like to see this done every year, but with Sombrero Fest taking it one step further.

"I've gone to concerts up in San Antonio, Austin, where they give you clear plastic bags before going in, so every body's dumping their stuff in there, so you can at least bring something along. So maybe they could have done that here," Mireles said.

Bags that were on the 'not approved' side of the poster were thoroughly searched before going into the event.

Sombrero Fest organizers said there are about 60 police officers and security guards on patrol at the festival at any given time.

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