Weslaco Police Dept. gets first therapy, emotional support animal
The Wesalco Police Department has a new addition to its force.
Officer Shayne, the 7-year-old standard Poodle, is the department's first therapy and emotional support animal.
"What it does is it bridges the gap between a police officer in uniform and the community, right? Sometimes this uniform can be intimidating for someone. But when they see someone like Shayne, you can't help but want to touch him." Police Chief Joel Rivera said.
Shayne can also smell the stress hormone Cortisol.
"So, when he can smell the stress hormone...he'll go sit next to you and just hang out. That's all he does. He doesn't repeat any secrets. He doesn't do any of those things, he just wants to give you love, and he wants to get love," Rivera said.
Shayne is a part of the department's Community Affairs Division, where his role will be to help out during community outreach events.