
Facing the Fury: Familiarizing yourself with evacuation zones

Facing the Fury: Familiarizing yourself with evacuation zones
1 month 3 weeks 5 days ago Thursday, May 30 2024 May 30, 2024 May 30, 2024 5:37 PM May 30, 2024 in Weather - Hurricane Central

A hurricane can often be devastating, but it only takes one major storm, tornado or hurricane to change everything. 

The will of Mother Nature can't change, but we can still prepare, stay weather aware and if necessary, evacuate.      

The Rio Grande Valley has three evacuation zones, all of which are in Cameron and Willacy counties.

The zones were developed by Emergency Management and Public Safety Officials as part of a Hurricane Evacuation Study in 2016. Texas A&M researchers looked at geographical information and previous hurricane and storm surge data.

In the event of a powerful hurricane, only Cameron and Willacy counties would be under evacuation orders. 

But as they've seen in Laguna Heights, strong winds and tornadoes can destroy mobile homes in an instant.

Watch the video above for the full story. 

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