
New app to help migrants request asylum

New app to help migrants request asylum
1 year 5 months 1 week ago Friday, January 06 2023 Jan 6, 2023 January 06, 2023 11:04 AM January 06, 2023 in News - Local

Louis Watson from Haiti is a free man in Brownsville and said that everyone who comes to the U.S. is looking for a better life.

He lived in Chile for five years and is hoping to get asylum in the U.S.

Now other Haitians, Cubans and Nicaraguans outside the U.S., Panama and Mexico, could ask for asylum by downloading the CBP One app on their phone.

There are very strict guidelines asylum hopefuls must need, such as having a government approved sponsor. 

One local organization working with migrant says the app is still putting people fleeing for their life in harm's way.

"That will end-up with is many, many more people waiting on the other side of the border, waiting in Mexico for a chance to enter the United States and request asylum," Team Brownsville Director Andrea Rudnik said.

The White House said the new measures will keep migrant camps from forming along the border in Mexico. If asylum hopefuls get approved for a hearing, they'll be given a date and time to show up at a port of entry, which include Brownsville and Hidalgo.

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The Biden Administration is also trying to reduce the number of migrants of certain nationalities from crossing the border.

The director of Team Brownsville said that when a similar program was implemented in October for Venezuelans, the number of migrants being released in downtown Brownsville went from nearly 100 every day to nearly zero.

Now the majority of migrants that are being released here are coming from Nicaragua.

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