
Recent cold weather highlights need for Safe Outdoors Dog Act

Recent cold weather highlights need for Safe Outdoors Dog Act
2 years 8 months 4 weeks ago Tuesday, January 25 2022 Jan 25, 2022 January 25, 2022 1:41 PM January 25, 2022 in News - Local

A new Texas law I making sure dogs are safe outdoors during extreme weather conditions like the recent cold weather.

The Safe Outdoors Dog Act went into effect on Jan. 18. It bans the use of chains for tethering and requires outdoor dogs have access to drinking water and adequate shelter during extreme weather conditions.

"I'm really proud of these steps that are being taken now, Palm Valley Animal Society Executive Director Donna Casamento said. “And making sure that there are then consequences to people when they do that sort of thing."

Casamento says cold weather can really affect cats and dogs.

"Even if they're not having traumatic incidents that night they can develop colds and become sick and develop upper respiratory infections from exposure,” Casamento said. “So cats and dogs in our community are not going to be as okay with it as dogs and cats in other communities where they have to become acclimated to it."

Casamento said the best thing you can do is bring your pets indoors, or at least give them a place where they can stay warm if they are outdoors. 

“If you can't bring them in the house, but you have maybe some space in your garage to keep them warm and toasty in the garage,” Casamento said. “If you have a covered section like a dog house or something like that make sure that you're also making sure that it's really dry inside of there and that you do have either some hay in there or some nice warm blankets that they can cozy up in."

For those struggling financially and need help with resources, the PVAS has a pet food bank with resources for pets available. Call the shelter at 956-686-1141 for more information.

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