
Volunteers team up with non-profit to build beds for children in need

Volunteers team up with non-profit to build beds for children in need
4 months 1 day 8 hours ago Sunday, November 03 2024 Nov 3, 2024 November 03, 2024 5:34 PM November 03, 2024 in News - Local

EDITOR'S NOTE: The video misidentifies Sleep in Heavenly Peace RGV President Erik Makrush. We apologize for the error. 

A non-profit organization kicked off its Rio Grande Valley chapter by teaming up with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in McAllen by building beds for children in the community.

The non-profit organization, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, hosted the Saturday bed making event. 

The goal, according to organizers, is to hold this event up to five times a year.

“Basically, we just come and build beds and that way we can just come and give them to families who don't have a bed,” Sleep in Heavenly Peace RGV President Erik Makrush said. “Any kid who doesn't have a bed from the ages of 3 to 18, they can apply, and we can give them a bed."

Lance Ames, president of the Mission stake for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said they hope to build dozens of beds.

“We are starting this weekend by building 50 beds to help any family that is in need to be able to have a place to sleep.” Ames said. “As we do this project, we are going to be identifying just how many people need a bed in the RGV.”

Those in need of a free twin bed can apply to one online starting on Friday, Nov. 15.

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