
Official: Correct Voter Registration Information Ahead of Primary Election

By: Marisol Villarreal

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EDINBURG – If you want to participate in the March primaries, you now have about three weeks to make sure you’re voter registration is up-to-date.

Yvonne Ramon, the Hidalgo County elections administrator, says it’s important for citizens across the Rio Grande Valley to have an updated voter registration card. She said sometimes, residents have questions why they haven’t received theirs.

“There's one of two reasons why you didn't get one. Number one, is you moved and you didn't let us know, and so that card went to the previous residential address. Number two, you previously made a change, we send you your card and it came back undeliverable,” said Ramon.

Ramon advises anyone who hasn’t received their card to make sure their elections office has the correct information.

To participate in the primary election, you must be registered by Feb. 3.

Watch the video above for the full story.


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