
Starr County Self Help Center closing due to budget cuts

By: Lily Celeste

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Every month, more than 200 people come to the Starr County Self Help Center.

For years, the center has been offering community resources such as English and technology classes, and free clothes and food. Employees there have also helped people sign up for WIC, CHIP, and disability services. 

Another resource offered is the House of Hope, which helps families get back on their feet after losing their home.

After providing those free resources for more than 20 years, the center is closing its doors due to budget cuts.

“We have a lot of poverty, and a lot of people need assistance," Starr County Self Help Center Director Esmeralda Zarate said. “It is a great loss.”

In Starr County, the poverty rate is well above the state average, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. 

Starr County Precinct Three Commissioner Eloy Garza runs the center, and tells Channel 5 News that closing it was a difficult decision to make.

Garza said the countywide budget used to pay for the center, until it became too much. 

“The county said, 'we will not fund it,' Garza said. “They limited the budget, and I took it over with my own budget, and it costs $110,000 a year."  

Zarate and Garza want residents to know they're sorry about the decision, and they hope one day the center can open once again.

Monday, Sept. 30, 2024 is likely the last day for the Starr County Self Help Center.

The House of Hope will stay open even after the help center closes. For more information, call Starr County Precinct 3 at 956-487-2120.

Watch the video above for the full story. 


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