
Business Responds to Personal Information Found near Dumpster

Business Responds to Personal Information Found near Dumpster
7 years 8 months 2 weeks ago Wednesday, May 03 2017 May 3, 2017 May 03, 2017 7:02 PM May 03, 2017 in News

MCALLEN – A Rio Grande Valley business said it’s making sure sensitive employment documents are properly disposed of.

A man discovered Social Security numbers and other personal information on the ground outside a McAllen business near a dumpster.

“Any person can just walk by. They could see the papers and know that it was important papers,” he said. “We’ve got employee records with social security numbers and their names… It can end up in the wrong hands.”

The man called us but asked not to be identified. He said the information could be used to steal the identities of the people listed.

“I don’t think it’s fair for those people to have their information available for anyone,” he said.

The information was listed on paperwork from Wells Manufacturing. CHANNEL 5 NEWS asked the company what happened.

A man who identified himself as a manager told us off-camera a new employee didn’t follow protocol. They usually require shredding documents the company is planning to throw away.

The manager said they’ve spoken to the employee.

The Texas Attorney General’s Office said employers are required to destroy documents.

Assistant Attorney General Joe Garcia with the office’s Consumer Protection Division said the documents have to be “shredded or redacted in a way that cannot be read.”

He said the Identity Theft Enforcement and Protection Act levels civil penalties for violations.

“Civil penalty can range anywhere from at least $2,000 but not more than $50,000 per violation,” he said.

The AG’s office added they’re willing to hear complaint from the public.

As far as those documents found in the business, they will be handed over to the AG’s office.

The agency said giving out a Social Security number to the wrong person can end up costing them money. They said people should always make sure who they’re giving their person information to. 

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